
Jesus Heals

A leper sat beside a cave
In upper Galilee;
His form was wasted and his grief
Was pitiful to see.
No future stretched inviting arms,
His hopes were for release
For quiet in the mossy tomb
And rest of dreamless peace.
Of late, uneasy were his thoughts,
Hope reared it's weary head;
One who could heal the leprosy
Lived South, so rumor said.
Some told of demons exorcised,
Some said He raised the dead,
And changed some water into wine,
And multiplied the bread.
"Soon I'll rise and go to Him
And see what can be seen.
Perhaps He'll see my hopeless state
Perhaps He'll make me clean."
With languor he began to plan
To put away his sorrow;
He'd say, as every morning dawned,
"I'm tired, I'll go tomorrow."
But as the days and weeks and months passed by,
His eyes were growing dim;
He knew that he must haste to Christ
Or death would haste to him.
His journey was a painful one,
And, as it's end drew nigh,
He saw three crosses etched in black
Against a darkening sky.

by Josephine Cunnington Edwards